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Check this out, in order to download a video from youtube and some other sites just go ahead and Download Ares Tube, once you click download in the program it will automatically convert it in a format viewable in windows media player.
Ares Tube, has an embedded browser that allows you to save video files from youtube, google video, Blip Tv, Daily Motion and metacafe to local formats (IPOD, MP4, MPEG). Ares Tube optionally will export your videos, to your iTunes plattform. Browse to the video you want to catch and press "Add to download list". When you are ready press 'Download' to process selected files
Go to my folder to download the files and other stuff if you like.
Good day!
I Kill you!
if you dont contribute to the casue
Descarga Videos de Youtube, solo dale click al link de arcriba para que instales el programa llamado Ares Tube, este al darle click al boton, descarga y convierte los archivos de Video para que puedas verlos hasta en tu iPOD si lo deseas.
Buen Dia!
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Check this out, in order to download a video from youtube and some other sites just go ahead and Download Ares Tube, once you click download in the program it will automatically convert it in a format viewable in windows media player.
Ares Tube, has an embedded browser that allows you to save video files from youtube, google video, Blip Tv, Daily Motion and metacafe to local formats (IPOD, MP4, MPEG). Ares Tube optionally will export your videos, to your iTunes plattform. Browse to the video you want to catch and press "Add to download list". When you are ready press 'Download' to process selected files
Go to my folder to download the files and other stuff if you like.
Good day!
I Kill you!
if you dont contribute to the casue
Descarga Videos de Youtube, solo dale click al link de arcriba para que instales el programa llamado Ares Tube, este al darle click al boton, descarga y convierte los archivos de Video para que puedas verlos hasta en tu iPOD si lo deseas.
Buen Dia!
Contribuye a la causa!