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Mostrando las entradas de junio, 2008

Que es Instabotz y como funciona? Naka Games

Diablo 3 Finally Announced officially!

here is the video trailer of Diablo 3 : And the GAMEPLAY of Diablo 3 is amazingly beautiful! This one i uploaded with High Quality, its the ARTWORK Trailer of Diablo 3, it used to be on the blizzard website but for some reason its not here anymore, so enjoy... GREAT!  As always its Blizzard! check out their intro on their site, click here it has a better video trailer and gameplay quality... And the Heavens shall Tremble! Enjoy

Beyond Windows Vista (windows 7 ?)

Some of you may have heard about “Windows 7,” which is the working name for the next release of Windows. We have learned a great deal through the feedback you have shared with us about Windows Vista, and that feedback is playing an important role in our work on Windows 7. You have told us you want a more regular, predictable Windows release schedule. To this end, our plan is to deliver Windows 7 approximately three years after the January 2007 general availability launch date of Windows Vista. You’ve also let us know you don’t want to face the kinds of incompatibility challenges with the next version of Windows that you might have experienced early with Windows Vista. As a result, our approach with Windows 7 is to build off the same core architecture as Windows Vista, so the investments you and our partners have made in Windows Vista will continue to pay off with Windows 7. Our goal is to help ensure that the migration process from Windows Vista to Windows 7 is straightforward. I recei...

Apple Seeds First External Builds of Mac OS X 10.6, Safari 4 to Developers

Over at the Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco, attendees were provided with a physical seed of the Mac OS X 10.6 ("Snow Leopard") installation disc. The build is the first version of the upcoming operating system to leave Apple's corporate boundaries and, according to AppleInsider , Apple has stated that the focus of the update will be to enhance the Mac OS X experience as opposed to providing new features. Apple representatives cited that the company plans to release Mac OS X 10.6 "within a year." On Tuesday, attendees were distributed a Developer Preview of Safari 4.0 for the Mac OS X 10.4, 10.5 and Windows operating system. Sources close to the build stated that the browser is noticeably more responsive than Safari 3.1.1 and includes assorted new features such as a General preference setting to set new browser windows to open with tabs from the bookmarks bar or a specific tabs folder. Another feature, accessible under the File menu, lets web pa...

Windows Vista Extreme Edition

Would you like to have that old look and feel of windows with customizable Themes and Folder Backgrounds, logins and more? Well here is you answer to it: Get the Fully customizable Windows Vista Extreme Edition as you can see on the screen shots on this link and on this one where you can also download it , you can do what ever you want on Vista with this great modified version. Just go to this link and download the torrent , its faster, and the best of all, its free thanks to Amit For more information on system requirements etc. Go to the official site link Good day!

ESPNdeportes FAITELSON: El primer llamado de Eriksson

El primer llamdo de Eriksson; story is located at /news/story?id=690995 BRISTOL -- Pidió videos del Chicago Fire. Habló con él la semana pasada mientras México goleaba a Perú y ante la poca capacidad de producir jugadores de esas características, no sería nada extraño que la decisión ya haya sido tomada. Puede que el gol que Cuauhtémoc Blanco logró en la Copa América de Venezuela 2006 no haya sido el último que anotara en la selección mexicana de fútbol. Mexsport A los 34 años, Blanco podría regresar al Tricolor Sven-Göran Eriksson, el nuevo entrenador del Tricolor mexicano ha puesto la mirada en torno al 10 del Chicago Fire y parece inminente que a los 34 años Blanco regresara al representativo nacional para encabezar la eliminatoria rumbo al Mundial de Sudáfrica 2010. Eriksson ha dicho que no tiene problema en reconocer el "grupo europeo" que es y será la base de la selección, pero cuando preguntó sobre otros elementos con los que podría contar para afrontar su debut en la...

Oswaldo Sanchez Chico Malo

Traia 100 billetes de 300... Soy hijo del PAPA... presidente de la FEMEFE... la FEMEFE Federacion de Futbol de La republica Mexicana Ahi veale! apuntele bien Me GASEARON COMO PUERCO! JAJAJAJA

Keter Media for you!

Ads, Campaigns, logos, website design, and much more... just click here to see more information Anuncios, Campañas, logotipos, marcas, diseño web y mucho mas... Da click aqui para ver sus propuestas

Checkout NASDAT's album Already Late

NASDAT These guys are a good band that really care about their songs and about sharing them to the people, if you would like to support them go to their sites on this link just click it  or to their myspace site here yo can find their torrent here Have a Good one and enjoy their music! NASDAT Es una Banda de Mexico que ha estado tocando desde hace tiempo en Monterrey y ha grabado discos en Texas, escuchenla a ver que tal les parece, pueden encontrar su sitio aqui solo den click   al igual que su Espacio en MYSPACE aqui  y su torrent del disco Already Late aqui  Apoyen su musica si les gusta y compartanla con sus amigos! Ozl

Is your CPU 64 bit READY?

FIND OUT HERE CLICK THE LINK! or move your mouse cursor over the link to see a preview of the web page! Why doesn't my Windows® PC recognize the whole 4GB of memory I installed? The maximum amount of memory that your system can use is actually limited in two ways — not only is there a maximum amount of memory that your computer motherboard can accept, there is also a maximum amount of memory that your operating system (OS) can accept. For instance, when you install 4GB of memory in a 32-bit Windows system (the most common version; 64-bit systems are typically used only by high-end users), your system will see (and utilize) only 3GB or 3.5GB. Is the problem bad memory? Relax, there isn't a problem with the memory. Windows allows for 4GB of memory to be addressed, but this isn't 100 percent the same as having 4GB of physical memory. What happens is that some of the addressable memory (regardless of how much you have physically installed) is reserved for use by page...

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Que es el Bitcoin y como me beneficia? donde comprar Bitcoin

¿Qué es Bitcoin? Bitcoin es el dinero digital utilizado para la transferencia segura e instantánea de valor en cualquier parte del mundo. No es controlado ni emitido por ningún banco o gobierno , sino que es una red abierta que es administrada por sus usuarios. Mucho en como el correo electrónico mejora la comunicación por lo que es rápido y barato, Bitcoin es una mejora en los métodos de pago existentes que no fueron diseñados para la era de Internet. ¿Es el Bitcoin seguro? El protocolo básico de Bitcoin es visible por cualquiera, ha sido examinado por miles de investigadores de seguridad alrededor del mundo y ha demostrado ser robusto y confiable después de un escrutinio inmenso. El uso de bitcoin es similar al uso de otras aplicaciones privadas en Internet, como correo electrónico o banca en línea. Al igual que estos otros servicios web, debe acceder a su bitcoin con una contraseña para asegurarse de que sólo tiene acceso a su dinero. ¿Está ligado al valor del dólar? El...

Install Windows On or with a USB Drive

Update 03/31/2012: Before you try all of this, you may want to try using WinToFlash , a utility designed to create a bootable Windows flash drive for Windows XP/Vista/7/Server . If this works for you, you can skip the section on preparing a flash drive and jump straight to the installation instructions. Many of these steps will apply for different computers, some of the commands may differ a little bit.  If you’re trying to install Windows 7 on a netbook, Microsoft is making things even easier. Just use the Windows 7 USB tool . Installing Windows XP or any other operating system is easy if you have a USB optical disc drive. But if all you’ve got is a USB flash drive and another computer with a DVD burner, you can still install Windows XP (or many Linux distributions for that matter) on a disc drive-less ultraportable like the HP Mini-Note or the Asus Eee PC. After spending most of Saturday installing Windows XP on my HP Mini-Note I thought I’d share my res...

Los Mejores Minadores o Mineria de Bitcoin Gratis y de Paga!

Aprende el Cómo hacer Minería o Minado de Bitcoin y Criptomonedas Gratis Actualizado en Abril 2021: Obten un Minador CoolSpot GRATIS por medio de EMRIT, te paga el 20% de $HNT generado cada mes!! La mejor opción de minado para tu PC con Windows y LINUX : Tengo unas semanas minando con Honeyminer , es super facil de usar, me paga un poco más que Nicehash así que es cuestion de probar los dos y ver cual te paga mas! Obten 1000 satoshis BTC solo por registrarte aquí: Honeyminer Paga 10% de tus referidos directos y 5% de tu segunda línea de referidos, NO ES MLM! pero es muy buena opción para referir si tu no produces mucho con tu PC o GPU al minar. No esperes hacerte rico de la noche a la mañana, esto es más que nada informativo (Haz tu propia Investigación), pero incluso 0.1 Ethereum o BTC un día podrían valer $500 dólares, así que No lo menosprecies! Otra opción de Minar con tu PC o Tarjeta de Video AMD o NVIDIA , mi Recomendación es: Nice...