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Mostrando las entradas de septiembre, 2008

Que es Instabotz y como funciona? Naka Games

make Firefox look and work like Google Chrome

Recently a lot of people including myself wanted to switch to chrome due to the beautiful interface, yet Firefox is way better with its superb extensions and added functionality. Therefore if you are a person who only likes Chrome for its outside beauty and would want the functionality and heart of Firefox well here is a cosmetic customization article for Firefox. Install Chromifox Firefox theme - This is a Chrome theme for Firefox (the best that is out there), First install this. Uninstall any extensions that change the visual appearance mainly a plugin called Glasser . NEW! Install Total Rechrome for a Full Chrome Appearance Change on your firefox Browser Install Hide Menubar to hide the Firefox menubar. best features to Firefox. Stealther Turns On Incognito Browsing Chrome's Incognito browsing allows you to shop for your significant other look at porn without keeping any history of that browsing session anywhere on your computer. In Firefox, the Stealther extension ...

The Force Unleashed Star Wars Movie Coming Soon?

English Click here Fuente: El Los Angeles Times' Hero Complex   blog de ciencia ficción y comics , diseñado "para su fanboy interior".  ¿Qué hemos escuchado: Desde que se puso de manifiesto en 2006, los jugadores han estado oyendo acerca del gran negocio que es The Force Unleashed. En 2008 la Conferencia de Desarrolladores de Juegos, LucasArts el diseñador Hayden Blackman facturará el juego como un séptimo capítulo de la película y saga de Star Wars, establecido entre la tercera Prequela, Star Wars Episodio III - La venganza de los Jedi (2006), y la primera película, Star Wars Episodio IV: Una nueva esperanza. A pesar de que los comentarios del juego no han sido totalmente positivos, la mayoría de los críticos de acuerdo en que su historia es de cine y es su ámbito de aplicación. Se pone en jugadores como el aprendiz secreto de Darth Vader, enviado por el Señor Sith a acabar con los pocos Jedi que sobrevivieron a la purga de post-Guerras Clon. Más tarde los acontecimi...

Paint and Wordpad on Windows 7 Ribbonized

Stephen posted an interesting shot of the new Ribbon implemented in a newer Microsoft Paint build. I sincerely hope this is a sign that Sinofsky the Windows “7” team has already fixed other more pressing issues like the infamous folder “type sniffing” errors and the irritating non-existent file deletion dialog… I dont think that the whole Windows theme will be a Ribbon one (hope not) but on already known Windows Programs it is a necessary attribute.... Dont you think? Here is the other leaked pic, Wordpad. now i have a question, what will happpen to Notepad ? i hope it gets improved or at least not even included on the newest Microsoft OS.

Install Windows On or with a USB Drive

Update 03/31/2012: Before you try all of this, you may want to try using WinToFlash , a utility designed to create a bootable Windows flash drive for Windows XP/Vista/7/Server . If this works for you, you can skip the section on preparing a flash drive and jump straight to the installation instructions. Many of these steps will apply for different computers, some of the commands may differ a little bit.  If you’re trying to install Windows 7 on a netbook, Microsoft is making things even easier. Just use the Windows 7 USB tool . Installing Windows XP or any other operating system is easy if you have a USB optical disc drive. But if all you’ve got is a USB flash drive and another computer with a DVD burner, you can still install Windows XP (or many Linux distributions for that matter) on a disc drive-less ultraportable like the HP Mini-Note or the Asus Eee PC. After spending most of Saturday installing Windows XP on my HP Mini-Note I thought I’d share my res...

Google Steals code from Microsoft and its Good!

The code in question is the  Windows Template Library , and before you get riled it’s open source, has been open source since 2004. (Picture from  MSDN Magazine .) Scott Hanselman has a great  blog post up about exactly how Google Chrome uses this code, but the more important point is that this is happening at all. The key to open source is the code itself. Good code can be found, and used, to everyone’s benefit. Both Google and Microsoft have drawn enormous benefits from  Chrome . Google has gotten a place at the browser table. Microsoft has a new browser under Windows, and its open source code may be a key reason why that is so. Chrome has introduced some key concepts to the Web. The idea of separating tabs as tasks. The idea of an address bar as an application. These are concepts Microsoft can now use to improve Internet Explorer, because Chrome is open source. All this provides an important lesson to the rest of us. While proprietary companies may be to-the-deat...

100 Mega bits per second over the Air by 2010

What if WiFi could square off or even beat WiMax or other approaches to broadband access to the Internet, over the air? If you listen to comments from Tom Rutledge , the chief operating officer of Cablevision Systems Corp., at the Merrill Lynch Media Fall Preview, you get the clear impression he thinks he’s sitting pretty on his plan to rollout WiFi throughout his New York, New Jersey and Connecticut footprint. And that he plans to let his 3 million cable customers get not just Internet access, but phone service and video service without a wire at all. Maybe as soon as 2010. You may have read that the company plans to spend $300 million on the rollout by mid-2010 of WiFi service to its entire footprint. But that $300 million does not just upgrade its cable network to include WiFi access to the Internet. It also includes the costs of upgrading its network to be able to transmit data at more than 100 million bits a second. This is something made possible by the Data Over Cable Service...

iTunes 8 Free Download

iTunes 8: Ready for download Posted Sep 9th 2008 3:30PM by  Ozl Filed under:    8 ,  APPLE ,  IPOD ,  ITUNES ,  MAC ,  NEWS ,  PC ,  SOFTWARE ,  WINDOWS Many new  iPod  related announcements occurred at the " Let's Rock " event today, but Apple also updated the software that powers all of those inventions:  ITUNES .  iTunes 8  includes many new features,  Get music recommendations. Imagine a record store stocked exclusively with music you love. The Genius sidebar is a lot like that. Just select a song, and the Genius sidebar displays songs and albums by that artist, as well as insightful recommendations from across the iTunes Store. What’s more, the Genius sidebar never recommends a track it knows is in your library. And you can preview or buy any song in the sidebar with a click.  and it's now available for download. While iTunes isn't yet showing up in Software Update, you can download i...

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Que es el Bitcoin y como me beneficia? donde comprar Bitcoin

¿Qué es Bitcoin? Bitcoin es el dinero digital utilizado para la transferencia segura e instantánea de valor en cualquier parte del mundo. No es controlado ni emitido por ningún banco o gobierno , sino que es una red abierta que es administrada por sus usuarios. Mucho en como el correo electrónico mejora la comunicación por lo que es rápido y barato, Bitcoin es una mejora en los métodos de pago existentes que no fueron diseñados para la era de Internet. ¿Es el Bitcoin seguro? El protocolo básico de Bitcoin es visible por cualquiera, ha sido examinado por miles de investigadores de seguridad alrededor del mundo y ha demostrado ser robusto y confiable después de un escrutinio inmenso. El uso de bitcoin es similar al uso de otras aplicaciones privadas en Internet, como correo electrónico o banca en línea. Al igual que estos otros servicios web, debe acceder a su bitcoin con una contraseña para asegurarse de que sólo tiene acceso a su dinero. ¿Está ligado al valor del dólar? El...

Install Windows On or with a USB Drive

Update 03/31/2012: Before you try all of this, you may want to try using WinToFlash , a utility designed to create a bootable Windows flash drive for Windows XP/Vista/7/Server . If this works for you, you can skip the section on preparing a flash drive and jump straight to the installation instructions. Many of these steps will apply for different computers, some of the commands may differ a little bit.  If you’re trying to install Windows 7 on a netbook, Microsoft is making things even easier. Just use the Windows 7 USB tool . Installing Windows XP or any other operating system is easy if you have a USB optical disc drive. But if all you’ve got is a USB flash drive and another computer with a DVD burner, you can still install Windows XP (or many Linux distributions for that matter) on a disc drive-less ultraportable like the HP Mini-Note or the Asus Eee PC. After spending most of Saturday installing Windows XP on my HP Mini-Note I thought I’d share my res...

Los Mejores Minadores o Mineria de Bitcoin Gratis y de Paga!

Aprende el Cómo hacer Minería o Minado de Bitcoin y Criptomonedas Gratis Actualizado en Abril 2021: Obten un Minador CoolSpot GRATIS por medio de EMRIT, te paga el 20% de $HNT generado cada mes!! La mejor opción de minado para tu PC con Windows y LINUX : Tengo unas semanas minando con Honeyminer , es super facil de usar, me paga un poco más que Nicehash así que es cuestion de probar los dos y ver cual te paga mas! Obten 1000 satoshis BTC solo por registrarte aquí: Honeyminer Paga 10% de tus referidos directos y 5% de tu segunda línea de referidos, NO ES MLM! pero es muy buena opción para referir si tu no produces mucho con tu PC o GPU al minar. No esperes hacerte rico de la noche a la mañana, esto es más que nada informativo (Haz tu propia Investigación), pero incluso 0.1 Ethereum o BTC un día podrían valer $500 dólares, así que No lo menosprecies! Otra opción de Minar con tu PC o Tarjeta de Video AMD o NVIDIA , mi Recomendación es: Nice...