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Install Mac OS X on MSI x58M Motherboard 100% working

Install OS X 10.6.4 on your PC
Ill update this soon to 10.6.5 but not until it works 100% xP

In this example i used:
MB MSI x58m
RAM 3GB DDR3 1333
CPU Intel Core i7 920
HDD Dual booting Windows 7 Ultimate and Mac OS X 10.6.4
Graphics Nvidia 9500 GT
Audio Works with 10.6.2 kexts (not headphone jack)
Correct RAM and CPU info shown with latest Myhack 1.1.4

First thing to know is that Google is your friend, and if its not friendly enough then...

I will try to help you, i am no expert but as you are starting to learn about this hackintosh experience, then all comments are welcome.

In this PC i used the the Prasys's Empire EFI boot disc
Installed Myhack on first boot, then i installed the NVEnabler64 for myNvidia 9500 GT card, and audio kext i used is Legacy HDA for 10.6.2, then updated to 10.6.4 and everything is working 100 % Except Headphone jack, now, once you are in 10.6.4 make sure you update the Myhack to 1.1.4 and you will get all your cpu and RAM detected correctly by Mac OS X 10.6.4
My pc has been dual booting since 10.6.2 so it has passed all tests, including Steam gaming on it without a hiccup xD

  1. Go to Bios and enable AHCI (dont do this if windows is installed already cause it might  not boot, but you can fix it just Google it)
  2. Insert Boot Disc (Empire EFI) and boot from it and when loaded eject disc.
Logo may vary
     3. After ejecting boot disc, Insert your  Mac OS X Install Disc and press F5 (twice to make sure it updates)
     4. Now select your Mac OS X Install Disc and let it Boot up (you can select verbose -v mode to read any errors).
     5. On the First Screen just select Agree and click on top menu to find and open Disk Utility
This is not mine xP
    6. Select your HDD or partition and click on the Erase Tab, there Select Journaled Extended file system.    Give it a name and click on Erase to format it, when its done just close Disk Utility.

    7. Continue on your Install and select your newly formatted HDD or partition (click customize in case you know what you need to change to be installed).

    8. Wait and in case you have any error after completely installing Mac OS X 10.6 dont worry, just reboot.

    9. At first boot make sure you select your new installed partition on HDD (you will see the apple logo) and name you gave. (Boot verbose mode just in case there is any trouble so you may know what caused the problem)
In case you see a - blinking cursor  or some problem to boot, then eject the Mac OS X install disc and Insert the Empire EFI Disc to boot up and press TAB, select the Mac OS X Drive and follow this guide

   10. On first boot it will ask for your personal info (i didn't submit it) but you MUST create a Username and Password.

   11. When on the Mac Desktop, insert your Empire EFI disc and open it, look for the Myhack Installer and open it. after installation your booting will be working fine with the chameleon boot loader.

And that's it, you should now have a fully working Hackintosh super PC! xD


If you need a specific driver or kext go to or google your Device ID to find one.

UPDATE2: You can now use nawcoms boot cd v.03 that will work the same way as Empire EFI but better since it will auto select your best audio or some other basic kexts that work best with your Motherboard, plus you wont need to install Myhack or anything since it will do it for you. There is only one problem i encountered after install is that you need to boot with Mach_kernel (just write that and press enter on chameleon boot screen) and then go to your Mac drive, then Extra, then edit the .plist file there and add the mach_kernel flag by erasing the other one that says legacy. (you will need to have write permissions for the Extra Folder)
I also had to install the 9500GT NVEnabler64.kext again with kext helper and everything works like a charm again.

Screenshots (thanks to nawcom)
Automatic On the fly patching - kernel , drivers , etc
                    Automatic On the fly patching - kernel , drivers , etc [Its currently work in progress , but it does a fairly decent job on patching kernel for AMDs , detecting most of the hardware components out of the box
Adds custom drivers during installation
Adds custom drivers during installation , so you dont have to do any work !

Ill be updating this blog with a more detailed guide, so please be patient.
remember to visit nawcom's, Prasy's blogs and Insanelymac Forum for the real pros help.
Good day! xD

And also wii4everybody for Wii hacks and gaming info.

Saludos gente!

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